For the Good of the Community: an Editorial

We hope this will be one of our last posts on this topic. We hope, for the good of the community, that Stephen Falk will leave the Hospital District board immediately. We hope the board will grant SuperTrack a five year contract. The latest set of records we requested is due to us on Monday July 8. Depending on what we receive, we may keep publishing. If Stephen stays on the board then we will continue to report on his actions.

It is clear to anyone who reads Stephen’s own emails and texts from 2020 through 2024 that Stephen has violated the public trust. He has violated his oath of office. He has violated the laws regarding impartiality. He has violated the laws regarding use of office to benefit another. He and Commissioner Sara Oggel have also violated the Open Public Meetings Act numerous times.

The medical provider at our clinic and the Hospital District board should be working together for the good of the community. No provider should have to deal with a commissioner who is openly hostile to them for reasons that do not involve their performance. No provider should have to worry that one of the officials who oversees their contract will repeatedly and secretly undermine them.

The community deserves the best qualified provider - full stop.

The community deserves a provider who is allowed to focus on providing healthcare without constant interference, unnecessary distraction, and criticism from a hostile and compromised commissioner.

The community deserves a provider who has the security and assurance needed to hire the best people and to make changes as necessary to accommodate the community's needs.

SuperTrack has gone above and beyond their contract requirements and provided services we could have only dreamed of just a few years ago. The Hospital District board should reward them. SuperTrack has treated us, as individuals and as a community, exceptionally well. It is time we did the same for them.

The next meeting is on Wednesday, July 10 at 7 PM at the Community Center. We hope to see you there or on Zoom.