Changing horses midstream?

Update August 18

The Hospital District just awarded the contract to Super Track on a vote of 2 to 1. Commissioner Harper voted for Super Track and read a thorough prepared statement that clearly reflected a lot of thought and deliberation. Commissioner Dennis voted for Super Track and explained his reasoning based on each of the selection criteria. Commission Falk voted for the Shields group and did not have a prepared statement or provide any analysis of the relative merits of the offerers against the selection criteria. Instead, he made non-specific statements about Super Track's performance but did not explain where his information came from, and did not state that he had made such complaints to Super Track or given them an opportunity to remedy them.

And with that, the Small Point Bulletin is hanging up its spurs again.

Original post:

Read Shannon's letter to the Hospital District Commissioners here, in response to Commissioner Falk's statement at Tuesday's district meeting that he intends to vote for the Shields group.

Read Vic's letter here.

It appears that awarding the contract to the Shields group on the basis of being local would violate the selection criteria in the RFP.